Saudi Traffic Rules Test 02

This site will not only help to guide you on what to expect but also prepare you with practice tests. These tests are very similar to the actual exams, so they can help you to be successful in obtaining your Saudi driver’s license so that you can be free to drive as soon as you can.


Drivers should take extra care in which of these areas?
Any of these
Market and public squares



You should not make a passing maneuver unless…?
Ensuring there is no other vehicles in the lane you intend to move to
Ensuring there are few vehicles in the lane you intend to move to
Ensuring there are only small vehicles in the lane you intend to move to
All of these



Which of these has precedence in terms of being obeyed?
A police officer
A traffic light
A road sign
They are all equal



If you are involved in a traffic accident and impaired by alcohol or drugs, you will get…?
One year license suspension and Sharia punishment
One year license suspension
A warning letter
The Sharia law will not be able to be applied



Under the Saudi Arabia traffic laws, wearing a seat belt is a compulsory requirement when on ___?
Any road
Some unreliable roads
Urban area roads
Highways or expressways only



How will you define a blind area?
An area you cannot directly see while at the controls unless you move your head
An area visible to you without having to move your head
The entirely invisible area even when you move your head
The visible area only when you check the rear-view mirror



Driving a vehicle without switching on lights can result in…?
500 to 900 SR, or detention of the vehicle as well
500 to 900 SR fine
Vehicle impoundment for three days
License suspension for 90 days



How many points will be issued for failure to use a seat belt…?
2 points
12 points
16 points
4 points



If a motorist gets caught throwing any object outside a car while moving, they will be subject to which penalty?
Paying a 100-150 SR fine
Law enforcement personnel will impound the vehicle immediately
Paying a 600-900 SR fine
A 7-day license suspension



What should you keep in mind when crossing a work zone?
Slow down as you enter the construction area and keep an eye on the road
Come to a complete stop
Speed up and leave the zone quickly
Switch to another road



When entering a highway, what must drivers do?
Signal, increase speed and merge smoothly with traffic
Stop on the acceleration lane, wait for an opening, and then enter the freeway rapidly
Slow down, then enter the highway at a sharp angle
Drive slowly and be prepared to stop for freeway traffic



The posted speed limit is…?
The maximum permitted speed
The minimum permitted speed
Advisory only
A target speed



How much are drivers fined if found guilty of using a cell phone by hand when behind the wheel?
150 to 300 SR
50 to 100 SR
600 to 900 SR
A 7-day license suspension



Which driver has the right-of-way in a roundabout?
A driver already in the roundabout
A driver approaching the roundabout
A driver turning right into the roundabout
A driver turning left into the roundabout



If you approach a stopped emergency vehicle, what should you do if possible?
Resorting to another road
Sound your horn to warn you are coming
Pass using the shoulder
Stop directly behind it



Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed for a light vehicle on rural roads is:
120 km/h
60 km/h
100 km/h
80 km/h



How many points will be issued for failure to yield to the right-of-way to vehicles coming from the left in roundabouts…?
6 points
18 points
14 points
12 points



Children younger than _______ are not allowed to sit in the front seat.
10 years
8 years
7 years
12 years



A flashing red light at an intersection means what?
Stop completely and proceed with caution
Stop completely and wait for a green light
Drive forward as normal
Proceed slowly with caution



You must give way to emergency vehicles with the siren sounding or flashing lights…?
At all times
When the traffic signs are in their favor
When convenient to do so
If it will not impede your journey



What is the safe thing to do if you feel fatigued while driving?
Pull over and take a short walk until you feel less sleepy
Don’t stop because you might reach your destination late
Open the windows to allow more fresh air in and drive fast
Drive cautiously and slow



When drivers and pedestrians interact, usually…?
The driver should yield
Neither should yield
The pedestrian should yield
Both should yield



Passing is prohibited in…?
All of these
Hilly areas



Mandatory signs are…?
Blue rounded
Circular white with red frames
White triangular
Orange rounded



Stopping over railroads can result in…?
500 to 900 SR, or detention of the vehicle as well
100 SR fine
Immediate vehicle impoundment
License suspension for 15 days



If a camel is on the road, you should…?
Slow down
Speed up
Come to a complete stop
Keep driving straight on



Continuous (solid) white lines mean…?
You should drive to the right of this line, and it is prohibited to cross it
You should drive to the left side of these lines
Overtaking is allowed
You may cross the line to turn left



When driving long distances, you should take a break at least every…?
2 hours
6 hours
4 hours
30 minutes



In Saudi Arabia, there is a seat belt law
Only when driving on an open highway
Only when driving within the urban zone



When driving with children, the young ones under 10 years must sit in child safety seats?
On highways or freeways
In the front seat



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Importance Of Obeying Traffic Laws

Traffic laws have one purpose: to keep everyone on the road safe. From yourself, any passengers you have, all the other people on the road, and bicyclists and pedestrians, traffic laws exist to reduce the risk of property damage, injury, and even death from accidents. Traffic laws are not in place to make you late or irritate you; they are there to help govern drivers and prevent needless accidents from happening. If you decide that the law doesn’t apply to you, you are essentially deciding that you know better than the experts that created these laws. To be clear, you don’t know better, and you probably break traffic laws sometimes because most people do.

Car Accidents Can Have Grave Consequences

If you want a better understanding of just how dangerous car accidents can be, you have to go back and look at basic physics. Force equals velocity plus mass. Cars are heavy, and there’s nothing you can do about the mass of a vehicle. It’s a constant. But, what you can control is the velocity of that vehicle. Simply put, driving faster might get you where you are going faster or speed you along to your final destination. The faster your car is going during an impact, the greater the likelihood of serious or fatal injuries.  Speed limits exist to limit the amount of force involved in car accidents, which reduces property damage and, more importantly, can reduce the severity of injuries and save lives.

You Can’t Control The Actions Of Other Drivers

Assuming that you are a highly skilled driver and have been trained to operate vehicles at high speeds, that still doesn’t make it a good idea. Something unexpected can happen, like a blowout or hitting a patch of ice on the road, and you also have to be aware of other drivers. You may be able to control your actions, but you can’t control what other drivers do. What happens if you’re driving over the speed limit and when passing through an intersection, another driver runs a red light and hits you? Does it matter at that point whose fault it is? Financially and criminally sure, but right now, we’re talking about you, the people involved in the accident, and your health. It doesn’t matter who was at fault. At this moment, the only thing that matters is that any injuries you suffer will be more severe due to the higher speed you are traveling at.

All Traffic Laws Are Important

While the speed limit is a very important traffic law to follow, that doesn’t mean the others are not important. All traffic laws are in place to limit property damage and injuries. Whether it’s a law about using your turn signal light a certain number of feet before a stop or about yielding to other drivers, following that law is important because it will help to prevent accidents.

Car Accident Can Hurt You Financially As Well

Car accidents are dangerous, and people die on the road daily due to accidents. But, there are a lot of other accidents that happen all the time that involve minor injuries. While minor accidents may not cause you much harm, they can still hit you in the bank account. You are at fault if you break traffic laws and cause an accident. When you’re at fault, that means that your car insurance will be paying for the damages to the other driver’s cars and any injuries they suffered. With the prevalence of ambulance chasing attorneys out there, chances are pretty good that you may be sued even in a relatively minor accident. If that happens and you’re lucky, your car insurance will be able to cover all of the damages. If you are unlucky, you may end up having damages exceeding your policy limits, which means you’ll be paying for them out of pocket. Even if you are lucky enough to fall into category one, your insurance rates will still increase, which takes money out of your pocket.

If Everyone Obeyed Traffic Laws, The Streets Would Be Safer

The most important takeaway is that traffic laws are important, and they exist to help keep you and other drivers safe. Ignoring them when they aren’t convenient or when you are in a hurry is a recipe for disaster. Maybe you won’t get an accident the first time it happens, but each time you break traffic laws, you increase the chances of an accident, which is never a good thing.