Saudi Traffic Rules Test 01

If you are scheduled to take the Saudi driving computer test, you may want to start early with your preparations. Though there are many different ways and methods to prepare, our practice tests can assist you in making a passing score the first time.



Leaving a highway, you should start slowing down…?
Once you enter the exit lane
As soon as you signal to enter the exit lane
As soon as you decide you are leaving
Any of these



Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed for the light vehicle within urban zones is:
50 km/h
60 km/h
70 km/h
80 km/h



As you join a highway from an entrance ramp, you should…?
Accelerate your speed gradually
Decrease your speed
Maintain constant speed
Any of these



Sliding (skidding) usually occurs as a result of…?
Braking too hard
Slowing down
Turning smoothly



At an uncontrolled intersection (no traffic light, stop sign, or yield sign), which vehicle has the right of way?
The vehicle coming from the right side
The one that arrives there last
The one going fastest
The one going slowest



After a tire blowout, you should do what?
All of these
Lift your foot from the accelerator
Do not apply the brakes
Hold the steering wheel firmly and maintain the vehicle’s direction in a straight line till it stops



The broken white lines mean…?
You should drive to the right side of these lines and may cross it to pass or make a left turn
You should drive to the left side of these lines
Overtaking is not allowed
It is prohibited to cross the line



To whom do you yield the right of way when entering the main road?
Other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians on the main road
First motorists at the intersection
Other drivers on the frontage road (service road)
Motorcyclists on the service road



What should drivers do if they feel tired or sleepy while driving?
Park by the side of the road and take a rest
Reduce speed
Turn up the radio
Open the window for some fresh air



What is the speed limit outside schools in the Kingdom?
30 km/h
40 km/h
50 km/h
60 km/h



You should only move injured people after a collision if…?
You find them inside the burning vehicle
They are impeding traffic
Their injuries don’t appear serious
They tell you they are alright to move



If your brakes should fail, the first thing to do is to…?
Bring the gear back to a slower position to slow the speed of the vehicle
Stop immediately in your lane
Speed up and drive
Turn on your headlights



At a roundabout, who has the right of way?
All traffic already on the roundabout
Traffic with the highest speed
Traffic joining the roundabout
Traffic exiting the roundabout



If you have broken down on the single-lane road and have a warning triangle, where should you place it?
At a distance of 50 m in front of the vehicle and another one at 100 m behind the vehicle
60 m from your vehicle facing oncoming traffic
120 m from your vehicle facing approaching traffic
The left side of your vehicle



Properly fastened seatbelts are compulsory for…?
Driver and front seat passenger
Front seat passenger
Rear seat passengers



When changing lanes, you should check blind areas by…?
Looking over your shoulder
Looking in your right-hand mirror
Looking in your left-hand mirror
Listening to other vehicles



You should not make a passing maneuver unless…?
Ensuring a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle you intend to pass
You believe other road users will be able to get out of your way
Ensuring a minimum distance between your vehicle and the vehicle you intend to pass
All of these



You must signal when…?
Doing any of these things
Changing lanes
Moving from the curb or parking lane



As you approach a work zone, you should…?
Slow down
Any of these
Maintain your speed



How many points will be issued for driving a vehicle in the opposite direction of traffic flow (wrong way) …?
12 points
20 points
14 points
4 points



A red light means what?
You must stop completely
Drive through the intersection
Accelerate if necessary
Yield to other traffic



What distance is safe to place a warning triangle away from your vehicle if you stop on a side on a one-way road because of an emergency?
100 meters
70 meters
50 meters
30 meters



_________is a junction or an area of the roadway where two or more roads cross or meet.
Road intersection
Parking lot
Underground parking



Passing is prohibited in…?
All of these



If you see an emergency vehicle coming behind you while you are driving…?
You should open the way for them without endangering yourself or other road users
Speed up and drive
Continue driving
Stop immediately in your lane



If a pedestrian is using a white stick, it indicates that…?
The pedestrian is visually impaired (blind)
The pedestrian is hearing impaired
The pedestrian needs assistance
The rules of the road do not apply to the pedestrian



A licensed driver will receive a license suspension once they reach what threshold?
24 points
18 points
6 points
12 points



When the red symbol of a person or raised hand appears on a pedestrian signal…?
Pedestrians must stop and not cross the road
Pedestrians allowed to cross the road
Move to safety as quickly as they can
Move slowly



Approaching a school bus stop for children to board or exit…?
Passing is prohibited
Passing is allowed
Passing is allowed unless you can see no children
Passing is allowed if you can pass slowly



Running a red light can result in…?
500 to 900 SR fine, or detention of the vehicle as well
500 to 900 SR fine
Immediate vehicle impoundment
Your driving license will be canceled



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Rules 1

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Why Do Traffic Rules Exist?

When you’re late for work, why can’t you just beat a red light? And if you shouldn’t make a U-turn, should you, when there are no enforcers around?

Roadways are packed with traffic signs, not just for mere rules for the heck of it, but they’re put in place to maintain safety and order. Without them, accidents, traffic jams, and chaos can happen.

In fact, statistics show that between the years 2010 to 2019, road traffic injuries in the US grew by 500,000 incidents each year. And in 2019 alone, 2.74 million traffic-related injuries occurred in America. Common causes of these injuries included speeding, driving under the influence, lack of awareness, and the use of smartphones while driving. 

If you’re new to driving or simply want to know why traffic rules are important, here are 7 reasons why every motorist must obey traffic rules:


To Protect Your Life and Others on the Road

The key reason to always follow traffic signs and rules is life safety. These rules are put in place to ensure the lives of the driver, passengers, and others on the road are safe. It is the obligation of motorists to ensure people reach their destination safely and properly and to do this, traffic rules must strictly be followed.

These rules don’t just ensure your safety and that of other drivers on the road, but they also include the safety of pedestrians, children who may be playing by the side of the road, as well as private property. Overtaking on the right side, no U-turns, and one-way streets help to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians.


Prevent Legal Woes

Violating traffic rules can get you charged. Not only will you get a ticket, but you could be sued for criminal and civil cases if you cause damage and/or injuries or even death due to your negligence. Judges are also usually not forgiving when it comes to traffic violations, so you’ll be financially liable, but in many cases, you can even land in jail. Your money, time, freedom, and even your own life can be on the line if you violate traffic laws.


Help New Drivers

If you’re a new driver, traffic rules and signs can help you navigate the road. Traffic lights at intersections will help you cross roads without the fear of other vehicles crashing into you, blind curves can help you avoid overshooting into a tree or a private property, and driving at minimum speeds can help you drive safely and properly.

Traffic signs also help inexperienced drivers who may forget some rules of the roads, as well as help them get to where they’re supposed to go.


Help Manage Traffic Flow

Many traffic rules are also intended to manage traffic flow and prevent jams. Rules that include staying in your lane, using turn signals, obeying speed limits, and following posted signs help to make traveling on the road run smoothly and safely. Obeying traffic lights can also help to prevent collisions and jams.


Prevent Accidents

Some warning signs need to be followed because many of them warn motorists about obstacles that are not obvious. Take for example a blind curve sign. When you see this sign, it tells you to slow down and become more alert to the road ahead of you. Sometimes, road obstacles are not in the driver’s line of sight, or they may be hidden. Without these signs or rules, drivers may not be aware of these obstacles until it is too late. If you don’t follow a sign that tells you to slow down, you might find yourself hitting a construction site, a pedestrian lane, or a parked car on the road.


Prevent Monetary Liabilities

Collisions, crashes, fatalities, injuries, and property damage cost money. Not only will you have to fix your car, but you’d also need to fix the damage on the other car/s, pay for the medical expenses of injuries or fatalities you’ve caused, and for many, you can even go to jail.

If another car crashed into you, their insurance company may pay for the damage incurred to your car, but if you hit a light post or a tree, it will be your own insurance company to shoulder the expenses. If you don’t have insurance, then the monetary liabilities can be grave.


Help You Become a Better Driver

Traffic rules help you become a better driver. You’re respecting other motorists, and pedestrians, as well as traffic flow and the law. There are many obstacles and possible dangers on the road and these can put you in harm’s way, as well as others. Traffic laws and rules help to lower these risks and reduce the possibility of accidents happening. The fewer problems you cause and encounter on the road, the better driver you are.


Order and safety on roadways are ensured when motorists abide by a precise set of rules and laws. Save your life, and the life of others, prevent traffic jams, and ensure that everyone on the road gets to their destination in a timely, orderly, and safe manner. The next time you drive, please remember these very reasons as to why it’s important to always follow traffic rules.