Saudi Traffic Rules Test 03

There’s nothing quite as exciting as getting to drive for the first time. Of course, before you can hit the road in Saudi Arabia, you must first pass the written computer test. This is a test created by the Ministry of Interior to test the potential driver’s knowledge of driving rules and the ability to recognize road signs.


Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed for heavy trucks within urban zones is:
30 km/h
60 km/h
50 km/h
20 km/h



Which of these indicates, when it is on your side of the center of the road, that passing is prohibited?
Lane marked with continuous line (solid line)
A dashed red line
A dashed white line
A dashed green line



If you want to make a pass, you should…?
Check the traffic behind your vehicle
Horn before start passing
Turn on your headlight
Stop completely before making a passing maneuver



You are legally obliged to give way to pedestrians at/on…?
Any of these
Wide intersection
Pedestrian crossing



A yellow light means what?
Stop safely if you can
Drive cautiously through the intersection
Accelerate if necessary
Yield to other traffic



Visitors are allowed to drive private vehicles if they have….?
International driver’s license or foreign driver’s license
Valid auto insurance
Valid passport
Own a car



Emergency vehicles include…?
Any of these
Civil defense vehicles
Patrols vehicles



How much is a no parking fine ticket in Saudi Arabia?
100 to 150 SR
Traffic officers will impound the vehicle immediately
600 to 900 SR
Suspension of driving license for 7 days



Drifting is considered a…?
Traffic violation
Driving skill
Defensive driving
Any of these



When changing lanes in urban zones, you should…?
Signal your intention
Stop before changing lane
Use the horn
Flash your headlight



Passing is prohibited near railroad intersections…?



How many points will be issued for driving under alcohol or drugs…?
24 points
18 points
14 points
12 points



Which is the safest course of action if your car shuts off while driving and the steering wheel becomes hard to turn?
All of these
Hold the steering wheel with both hands and exert more force to turn it
Come to a complete stop
Restart the engine cautiously



The multiple (double) white lines mean…?
You must drive to the right of these lines, and it is absolutely prohibited to cross them
You should drive to the left side of these lines
Overtaking is allowed
You may cross the line to turn left



What is the concept of defensive driving?
Maintain a positive attitude when behind the wheels
Join international driving lessons
Have at least five years of driving experience
Become a professional driver



Under which of the following conditions is passing or overtaking illegal and unsafe?
All of these
The vehicle following you has started overtaking
The car, van, or truck you are following has started overtaking the vehicle in front of it
You are moving at a slower speed than the car you are about to overtake



How many points will be issued for using a cell phone by hand while driving…?
2 points
10 points
12 points
4 points



What is the consequence of driving without a valid driver’s license in Saudi Arabia?
Pay a 500-900 SR fine, or law enforcement officers will detain the vehicle
Pay a 100-150 SR fine
Pay a 1000 SR fine
Traffic officers will impound the vehicle immediately



When a driver encounters an emergency that forces them to stop on the roadside, how far away from the road should they keep their vehicle?
At least 2 meters
At least 5 meters
At least 6 meters
At least 7 meters



Why are drivers required to schedule periodic vehicle inspections?
All of these
Catch any vehicle issues early enough
Make necessary repairs to reduce accidents
Improve the safety of vehicles on the road



To whom do you yield the right of way when exiting the main road?
Other motorists on the service road
Other drivers on the main road
Motorcyclists on the frontage road
First road user at the intersection



What are the common and fatal traffic offenses drivers in Saudi Arabia commit?
Overspeeding and running a red light
Running a red light
Driving slowly



What should drivers do when exiting a highway?
All of these
Signal your intention
Move to the lane adjacent to the exit lane
Enter the exit lane before slowing down



Fine for driving a vehicle in the opposite direction to traffic flow is…?
500 to 900 SR, or detention of the vehicle as well
500 to 900 SR fine
Detention of the vehicle as well
License suspension for 30 days



Lane changes should be made…?
Only when absolutely necessary
To keep you alert
At regular intervals
Only in emergencies



If you spot a camel crossing the road, what should you do?
Slow down and stop the vehicle until the camel is off the road
Slow down and drive through any gap even before the camel leaves the road
Honk your car horn repeatedly
Accelerate and pass the camel



Must a driver always comply with the speed limit regardless of the circumstances?
No, but you must evaluate the traffic conditions, road conditions, weather conditions, and surrounding circumstances to make the right decision
Yes, comply regardless of the circumstances
No, unless you desire to comply
No, comply only on highways and freeways



Warning signs are…?
White triangular with red frames
Blue rounded
Circular white with red frames
Blue rectangular



Tighten the seat belt on the…?
Chest and Stomach
Below the rib cage
Across the abdomen



If a construction worker gives you instructions when driving, you should…?
Always obey it
Obey it if it seems justified to you
Obey it if convenient
Disregard it unless a police officer is present



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Rules 3

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Why Should You Follow Traffic Rules?

Do these rules save lives and prevent accidents? Everyone should follow traffic rules to ensure road safety. Many people, including drivers and pedestrians, can stay safe by respecting traffic signs. The objective is to avoid accidents and maintain the traffic flow. However, many ignore rules and meet accidents. Sometimes, accidents can be fatal and cause lifetime disability. We will cover more benefits of traffic rules in the following.

Ensure the Safety of All on Roads

There are many road rules for drivers and pedestrians. They can follow all of them to protect themselves and those who use the road. Otherwise, they might face serious consequences. For example, a collision might happen when you would not obey a stop sign. An accident can cause both severe and minor injuries. When you lose control over the speed, it can lead to death. As a result, you will face criminal charges. Worse can happen, and you might lose your life in the accident. The consequences can be both emotional and material loss. However, you can avoid all these by following the traffic rules. Careful attention can prevent many accidents and build confidence in pedestrians.

Avoid Penalties & Criminal Charges

You might face civil and criminal charges when you break traffic rules and harm others. Some people, mostly kids and the elderly, rely on traffic rules while using roads. However, they might get severe injuries if you break traffic rules and harm them. Your negligence can cause injuries and death to others. Also, another party might sue you for emotional and material loss. You will have to pay all the expenses when another party proves your negligence in court. Hence, you will have to take extra caution while driving. Your responsibility is to protect yourself and others on the road. However, you can achieve this by following the traffic rules.

Prevent Accidents

Accidents are always unpredictable, but you can prevent most of them. For example, you are on your regular route and know traffic rules. Hence, you might not pay careful attention and can drive confidently. Suddenly, you will notice obstacles and cannot control your speed. You might experience an accident and get severe injuries. However, you can avoid this if you follow the traffic signs. There will be warning signs on the road for your safety. However, you cannot notice them when you are careless in the front seat. Hence, you will have to be watchful while handling a vehicle. There might be signs about obstacles, road conditions, and construction sites. You can prevent accidents if you know the road condition.

Manage Traffic Flow

Traffic rules can save lives, prevent costly mistakes, and keep everyone safe on the road. In addition to all these, these rules will manage the traffic flow. Heavy traffic is everywhere nowadays, but the rules can maintain the flow and prevent something unpredictable. Traffic rules will help to control the speed and find a way. You can follow u-turns, roundabouts, give-way signs, and drive smoothly in unfavorable driving conditions.

Improve Driving Skills

New drivers need to be more careful on roads. Otherwise, they might cause accidents. You can focus more on traffic rules if you are a new driver. If you do so, you will know what to do and avoid when on the road. You can hone your driving skills and feel more confident when you will follow the traffic rules. You will get the guidance, drive carefully, and ensure safety on unfamiliar routes. The traffic signs will make driving less stressful and easier for inexperienced drivers.

Maintain the Discipline

Consistent rules will ensure smooth communication and minimize the scope for confusion. Consistent and clear traffic rules are easy to follow and can save lives. When everyone follows the rules, there will not be any confusion. The cyclists, pedestrians, and motor drivers will follow their parts and prevent all those accidents that take more than thousands of lives a year.

Traffic rules will make you a responsible driver and can drive confidently. You can be watchful of traffic rules whenever you are on the road, regardless of your experience level. These rules are for your safety and the safety of all those who share the same roadway. Any negligence might result in dire consequences.